"As a classicist, I believe that the fine-arts have a sacred root and function.
From my youth the mystical qualities of Michelangelo’s drawings and the unquantifiable beauty of Bernini’s sculptural forms mesmerized me. I copied them from books on my coffee table as a youth. As I matured artistically, I was further drawn to the work of other masters of the Renaissance and Baroque—not only for their aesthetic but also for their motivation and ideology."
Niki Covington studied painting, sculpture and classical architecture among some of the best art academies in US and Europe, including the Florence Academy of Art, Grand Central Academy, the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art and the Beaux-Arts Academy where he has also taught. A passionate supporter of the classical tradition, Niki received numerous scholarships and awards from each institution, culminating in the Grand-Prix de Rome fellowship to study classical art and architecture in Rome in 2016, with further research in Jerusalem, Istanbul and Japan to make significant bridge between the eastern and western tradition of classicism.